Using nature as inspiration for design.
Wild Creativity provides interactive learning opportunities that engage visitors in engineering practices with inspiration from the natural world aka biomimicry. Whether its learning how to redesign a helmet inspired by the rind of a pomelo fruit or testing stored and released energy inspired by the springing jump of flea, visitors are able to rethink how to solve todays problems naturally.
My personal achievements include co-working with Research Assistants to develop the engineering challenges and what natural resources could apply to make the components fun and interesting, testing prototypes, field testing community interest in concepts, creating the look and feel of the exhibit, and creating initial 3D models of the components.
Guests are orientated to the space with a summary on what biomimicry is: a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies used by living organisms to solve challenges comparable to the ones we face as individuals and societies.
Guests are then challenged to mimic a variety of strategies such as the durability, flight, or reflection through reviewing animals and plants that have that strategy and then using objects of different shape, density, material and color to mimic that strategy to solve a problem. An example of this would be using inspiration of pomelo rinds to build a bike helmet.
Guests can continue to learn about biomimicry online through a partner service that can teach you about the different strategies to combat problems like structural integrity, grip strength and heat retention. Using those online tool, guests are provided prompts on how to solve engineering problems and can explore to find and draw out the right solution.